How to Cope with ‘Tall Orders’

How to Cope with ‘Tall Orders’

This is the second class for Glovis employees to develop a “Customer First” mindset.
This article provides insights on how to deal wisely with customers who make unreasonable
demands, customers who are rude, and customers who insist on impossible actions.
In fact, employees can reflect rationally on the problem and try to solve it on their own,
developing wise skills to deal with such 'tall orders' by customers.
Article. Editor’s Office

How to deal with a 'tall order'?

Have you ever met a customer who flies off the handle when things get tough, or who makes strong demands in a situation where people have a different position to theirs? In this case, it could cause difficulties because there may be no way out of such situations. But it can also cause feelings of discomfort because of the customer’s rudeness. However, that doesn't mean that employee should reveal his or her feelings or say there is no solution. So, how can an employee cope with this?

It may not be easy, but first an employee should calm down and listen to the customer’s demands. Whether it is an unreasonable demand or not, the employee should figure out what exactly the customer is demanding, and inform the customer of the difficulties that the employee has in meeting such demands, while showing that he or she will try to resolve the issue. Of course, if there is an alternative, the employee should suggest such an alternative immediately, but if the employee fails in changing the customer’s mind, he or she needs to tell the customer that he or she will be contacted later after considering a fair solution.

What does employee need to know in the process of coping with the customer’s demand?

The important thing is that even if the employee can’t accept the customer’s request on the spot, it is better to take some time finding a solution, and then politely refuse it. In addition, it is better to actively seek a solution or respond to the tall order, such as changing the order of work, as long as employee can do it on his or her own. By showing that one is doing one's best, the employee may soothe the customer’s anger. However, it is necessary to inform the customer of the acceptable limit so that he or she does not make further demands.

And after the problem is solved, it is also important to pay attention to the customer so that such an emergency situation does not repeat itself. If employee is unable to personally deal with and resolve the situation it needs to be referred to another department or person in charge who can handle the problem, or the situation should be reported to a supervisor with full authority

Example: Tight Spot 1

A situation in which the customer is upset and demands delivery by a date set by the customer unconditionally, even though the employee politely explains the reason why the goods cannot be delivered by the date.

Example: Tight Spot 2

A situation in which even though it is clearly inconvenient or infeasible to visit the customer’s workplace, the customer insists on such a visit and to have a meeting to proceed with the work.


This is the second class for Glovis employees to develop a “Customer First” mindset.
This article provides insights on how to deal wisely with customers who make unreasonable
demands, customers who are rude, and customers who insist on impossible actions.
In fact, employees can reflect rationally on the problem and try to solve it on their own,
developing wise skills to deal with such ‘tall orders’ by customers.
Article. Editor’s Office

How to deal with a ‘tall order’?

Have you ever met a customer who flies off the handle when things get tough, or who makes strong demands in a situation where people have a different position to theirs? In this case, it could cause difficulties because there may be no way out of such situations. But it can also cause feelings of discomfort because of the customer’s rudeness. However, that doesn’t mean that employee should reveal his or her feelings or say there is no solution. So, how can an employee cope with this?

It may not be easy, but first an employee should calm down and listen to the customer’s demands. Whether it is an unreasonable demand or not, the employee should figure out what exactly the customer is demanding, and inform the customer of the difficulties that the employee has in meeting such demands, while showing that he or she will try to resolve the issue. Of course, if there is an alternative, the employee should suggest such an alternative immediately, but if the employee fails in changing the customer’s mind, he or she needs to tell the customer that he or she will be contacted later after considering a fair solution.

What does employee need to know in the process of coping with the customer’s demand?

The important thing is that even if the employee can’t accept the customer’s request on the spot, it is better to take some time finding a solution, and then politely refuse it. In addition, it is better to actively seek a solution or respond to the tall order, such as changing the order of work, as long as employee can do it on his or her own. By showing that one is doing one’s best, the employee may soothe the customer’s anger. However, it is necessary to inform the customer of the acceptable limit so that he or she does not make further demands.

And after the problem is solved, it is also important to pay attention to the customer so that such an emergency situation does not repeat itself. If employee is unable to personally deal with and resolve the situation it needs to be referred to another department or person in charge who can handle the problem, or the situation should be reported to a supervisor with full authority

Example: Tight Spot 1

A situation in which the customer is upset and demands delivery by a date set by the customer unconditionally, even though the employee politely explains the reason why the goods cannot be delivered by the date.

Example: Tight Spot 2

A situation in which even though it is clearly inconvenient or infeasible to visit the customer’s workplace, the customer insists on such a visit and to have a meeting to proceed with the work.