Showing Empathy to Build Trust

Showing Empathy to Build Trust

Vendorfy Technique

CS Empathy Easy School is designed to provide an opportunity
for Glovis employees to develop a mindset of “Customer First” and put it into practice.

What is the Vendorfy Technique?

It refers to a skill in which a sales representative or an agent preemptively asks the needs, questions, concerns, and expectations of customers.

Understanding the Vendorfy Technique

“Vendorfy Technique” is a skill that prepares one to predict and react to the customers’ needs. By thinking about the customers’ needs, concerns, and expectations in advance, the sales representative can suggest alternatives or solutions, and even provide meaningful insight that the customer may not have been able to think of. This can further lead to building a great sense of trust.

This technique enables sales representatives to appeal that they understand and empathize with the customer's situation. Moreover, it makes a strong impression that the sales representative is a professional and is thinking in the customer’s point of view. The key is bringing up the customers’ concerns before they do, because it gives a completely different impression when someone is transparent about the potential problems and addresses them proactively, as opposed to retroactively.

Practicing the Vendorfy Technique

Let’s say that you're on your way to meet a new customer. The customer will ask for something, and you will respond accordingly. At this time, it is good to predict what the customer might request from his or her point of view instead of just meeting them. You should come up with a list of questions that a customer might ask, including issues, needs, concerns, and expectations, as well as the answers to each and every one of them. If the answer is complex and hard to understand, then it is better to show up with a backup data or evidence to help the customer understand. When you meet a customer, you should go through the list of questions that you have prepared and check if they have further questions about those. As you continue to have this attitude and show customers that you care, you will be able to raise the customer’s expectation and lower their anxiety level, and ultimately build a great sense of trust.


Vendorfy Technique

CS Empathy Easy School is designed to provide an opportunity
for Glovis employees to develop a mindset of “Customer First” and put it into practice.

What is the Vendorfy Technique?

It refers to a skill in which a sales representative or an agent preemptively asks the needs, questions, concerns, and expectations of customers.

Understanding the Vendorfy Technique

“Vendorfy Technique” is a skill that prepares one to predict and react to the customers’ needs. By thinking about the customers’ needs, concerns, and expectations in advance, the sales representative can suggest alternatives or solutions, and even provide meaningful insight that the customer may not have been able to think of. This can further lead to building a great sense of trust.

This technique enables sales representatives to appeal that they understand and empathize with the customer’s situation. Moreover, it makes a strong impression that the sales representative is a professional and is thinking in the customer’s point of view. The key is bringing up the customers’ concerns before they do, because it gives a completely different impression when someone is transparent about the potential problems and addresses them proactively, as opposed to retroactively.

Practicing the Vendorfy Technique

Let’s say that you’re on your way to meet a new customer. The customer will ask for something, and you will respond accordingly. At this time, it is good to predict what the customer might request from his or her point of view instead of just meeting them. You should come up with a list of questions that a customer might ask, including issues, needs, concerns, and expectations, as well as the answers to each and every one of them. If the answer is complex and hard to understand, then it is better to show up with a backup data or evidence to help the customer understand. When you meet a customer, you should go through the list of questions that you have prepared and check if they have further questions about those. As you continue to have this attitude and show customers that you care, you will be able to raise the customer’s expectation and lower their anxiety level, and ultimately build a great sense of trust.